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Obstetrics and Gynaecology

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We Care for both of you 

Omnicare Medical Center obstetrician and gynaecologist provides top-quality care that is tailored to each patient's needs and wishes. We treat the full spectrum of women's health concerns, from routine gynecological and pregnancy care to highly specialized services for incontinence, fibroids, endometriosis, sexual health, high-risk pregnancy, and more, some of which are referred to sub-specialist for higher-level care. We provide a multi-disciplinary array of services in collaboration with specialists and sub-specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. 


Some of the gynaecology services offered include: 

  • colposcopy and management of abnormal pap smears and pre-invasive (pre-cancer) disease of the female genital tract

  • hysterectomy (laparoscopic, vaginal and abdominal)

  • referral for advanced laparoscopic surgery

  • endometriosis specialists

  • referral for vaginal/pelvic reconstructive surgery for prolapse

  • general gynaecologic surgery

  • subspecialist care for management of gynaecologic cancers.


Our multidisciplinary team is highly experienced in:

  • early pregnancy problems (e.g. miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy)

  • menstrual disorders

  • endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids

  • management of ovarian cyst and benign adnexal mass

  • management of urinary incontinence

  • investigation of pelvic pain

  • managing gynaecologic cancers.


Obstetric services include:

  • Booking ultrasound

  • Antenatal screening for medical and infectious conditions that can impact pregnancy

  • Identification of high-risk pregnancies

  • Fetal abnormality screening with ultrasound and or amniocentesis

  • Third-trimester referrals for in-hospital deliveries


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